Default RPC URL
How do i find quidax Default RPC URL, Chain ID and Block explorer URL
Open and Close for the market price
Int the API response you provide the open and close along with other data. But what the timeframe that you use to measure that price.
How to change DOB
How to change DOB
Unabled to create sub-account
i have been trying to create a sub account but have been unable to.
NGN withdrawal
Hi quidax people, is it possible to issue a fiat NGN withdrawal via api ?
API withdrawal and networks
When creating a withdrawal for token via API do I need to specify the network token network ?
eg: if I’m withdrawing usdt to an external wallet do I need to specify if it is BEP20 or TRC20, is that what fund_uid2(destination tag) is for ?
Can 8 reopen my account
Pls help me unblock my
Order status webhooks
I placed a limit order via API and it was queued. Status:wait , my question would I get a webhook notification when the order is filled?
Error on withdrawal endpoint
"status": "error",
"message": "Failed to create withdraw. Reason: APIv1::ExceptionHandlers::CreateWithdrawError",
"data": {
"code": "E0301",
"message": "Failed to create withdraw. Reason: APIv1::ExceptionHandlers::CreateWithdrawError"
users pending trade on the market
how do you check pending market trade made by sub-accounts, and secondly how do you find sub-account order ID